It sounds incredible but it's
true. There is now a free baby look generator which anyone can use
online. With just two photos, one of the mother and other one of
the father, the Routan Baby Maker 3000
originally made for VolksWagen's website can enable you to see how your baby will
look. The good thing is you don't need to sign up to anthing or subscribe
to the website to use the application.
We may not admit to wondering about it
much, but if the truth be known, in the back of our minds we're alway curious
about what our baby will look like. Perhaps this could even sway your decision
whether you want to make a lifetime commitment to your partner.
I though I'd give it a try out so married
up BBC morning weather presenter Carol Kirkwood and Channel 4's news presenter,
Jon Snow. After pointing a few crosshairs in the right places for
the eyes, tips of the nose and face countours, the generator worked first time
and my arranged coupling produced a nicely turned out little baby.
To test things out a bit more I tried different
pictures of both Jon and Carol. The two baby siblings did look quite
different to each other, which seems to indicate that you probably need
to try at least a couple of photos of each parent to get a good idea of
what your baby may look like.

Jon Snow and Carol Kirkwood's
babies *
I though I'd try something different so
married up Marty Feldman and British female comedienne Jo Brand who is
known for her self-deprecating jokes about her weight and looks.
Interestingly this produced quite a smart looking kid - they may have been
from different times but I think maybe Marty and Jo could have been soul
Jo Brand and Marty Feldman's
baby *
OK, now for the true test of faith.
I had an old photo of me on my computer so uploaded that one, and (in my
mind) performed a quick virtual wedding ceremony with Ali Larter, who plays
Tracy Strauss in the Heroes TV series (well, one can only dream!).
Our baby is below and, I think, looks the best of all!
Me and Ali Larter's Baby
Very impressively the babies all do look very real and individual. I like the added touch of Volkswagen
having them photographed sitting in a car safety seat too. Not only a really
fun program to try out but a very clever and advanced bit of marketing
* Footnote and disclaimer:
There is no relationship that I know of between Jon Snow and Carol Kirkwood,
or between Jo Brand and Marty Feldman....or sadly, me and Ali Larter :-)
Virtual babies were born online and no taction contact was involved.
Comments to date: 4. Page 1 of 1. Average Rating:  Ashley Pennsylvania  | 11:31am on Thursday, August 13th, 2009  | i tried this with me and my boyfriend and our baby looked really cuteee!! thanks for letting me see him. one it only boyss? or can you get a baby girl too?
Admin: As far as I know yes, it's only boys that are born in the generator. Great to know that the feature has been useful to you and that your pleased with how your little one turned out! |
Nell Bath  | 7:37am on Tuesday, July 21st, 2009  | I really think they actually use your pictures, because I did it a few times just for fun and i got each of those babies once
Admin: That's odd. I just tried another couple to check and got a totally unique looking baby. I matched up Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton, and their baby came out totally different to any on this page. |
lois walton new jersey  | 5:27pm on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009  | haaha ;]] |
rae oregon  | 11:30pm on Saturday, March 21st, 2009 | Very cool |
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